Friday, October 27, 2006



I am on top of the world. Seriously, the North Pole has nothing on me today. I just feel ... really positive about life in general.

Part of that is my Children's Writers retreat on the weekend. It went extremely well - new people and old blending together. There was lots of time for discussion and laughter, workshopping of manuscripts. The people of Gravelbourg made us feel a little like visiting royalty - made sure we were happy, well-fed, and informed. The mayor gave us a tour of the cathedral there, we attended a wine and cheese at the province's only French bookstore, and we ate like queens at Le Bistro Chez Julie. It was exactly the kind of weekend I needed to get refocused on my writing goals.

So, starting in November, I'm writing every day. It's my new job, and I'm treating it as such. One of the ways I'm going to help myself maintain that "write every day" goal is by signing up for National Novel Writing Month. The goal is 50,000 words by the end of the month - quantity, not necessarily quality is the goal - and just to keep up that steady progress instead of getting bogged down. I think it will be a good thing for me, and by telling the world (okay, the six people who regularly read this), I'm making myself accountable. Anyone else want to write a novel in November?

Tuesday, October 17, 2006


Sometimes you have to retreat

I've learned that sometimes retreat is the only option. For writers, it's sometimes the best option. My children's writers group meets twice yearly, always in different locations, alternating between north and south, usually. This time we're meeting in Gravelbourg, SK, at a little bed and breakfast, and I took the option only available to the retired or self-employed of the group, and am staying a little extra for some writing time. It makes me feel indulgent, but in a good way. I haven't been indulging that part of me for a while, and I miss it. The way you might miss an arm.

So, from Thursday until next Monday, I'll be living it up at the Heritage Place B&B with the rest of the Round Robins.

Monday, October 02, 2006


Snap, Crackle, Pop - Cheese Krispies Recipe

One of the things that was a hit at the party was the little Cheese Krispies that I made. They're not really a cracker or a cookie, but they're a little spicy and more than a little addictive. We usually make them at New Year's and we have friends who say they take them to every party now.

Here's the recipe:

Cheese Krispies

1 pkg Imperial Cheese (red container)
1 ½ cups flour
1 cup butter (softened)
½ teaspoon Worcestershire Sauce (generous)
¼ teaspoon Cayenne pepper (generous)
4 cups Rice Krispies cereal

Mix cheese and butter together. Add pepper and Worcestershire; alternately add flour and cereal until everything is blended. Drop in teaspoon-sized portions, slightly flattened, on greased or sprayed cookie sheet. Bake at 350 degrees for 18-20 minutes.

I'm one of those "that looks about right" cooks, so feel free to experiment with the measurements. I certainly do. *g*

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